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About Fagforbundet

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More than 120 different occupations are represented in the union. Members are organised into four divisions according to their profession:

- Occupational section for Health and Social Services (YSHS)
- Occupational section for Church, Culture, Children and Youth (YSKKO)
- Occupational section for Public Transport and Technical Staff (YSST)
- Occupational section for Office and Administration (YSKA)

Fagforbundet's main task is to ensure that our members' pay and job conditions are good and secure.

Mette Nord is Fagforbundet's president.

Fagforbundet was established in June, 2003 by a merger of two trade unions: The Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees (Norsk Kommuneforbund) of 1920 and The Norwegian Association of Health and Care Personnel (Norsk Helse og Sosialforbund) of 1965. The new trade union was named Fagforbundet - “The Union”, or The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (NUMGE).

Your local branch is your safeguard

Fagforbundet is constituted by more than 400 local branches. Each local branch is a fully functional trade union at the local level. When you join Fagforbundet, you become a member of your local branch, which will secure and protect their members’ interest vis-à-vis employers and authorities. Your local shop steward is your representative in all work-related matters. The local representative is elected locally by the members.

Foto: Jan Lillehamre / Fagforbundet

In total, Fagforbundet has 18 000 experienced shop stewards across the country, all ready to serve and assist you. The main bulk of disputes between employers and employees are resolved at the local level by shop stewards. Every local union also has elected officers in charge of local vocational activities and offers. They are the local Division representatives. Fagforbundet also has 18 county level organisations, one in each county.


With more than 400.000 members, Fagforbundet is not only the largest union, but also still growing. More than 75 percent of Fagforbundet’s members are women. Within our areas of organisation, approximately 50 percent of all employees are members of Fagforbundet. Eligible for membership are: all municipal and health sector employees, workers in the public sector, in local and county government and in hospitals, as well as corresponding occupations in the private sector; apprentices and students. Upper secondary school students are offered free membership.

Professional services

Encompassing more than 120 different occupations, Fagforbundet’s four divisions represent and serve our members’ vocational needs: 

  • Occupational section for Health and Social Services (YSHS) - Employees in public and private healthcare institutions , interpreters, beauty therapists, dentists
  • Occupational section for Church, Culture, Children and Youth (YSKKO) – Employees in education, child care, public sector cultural workers, clerical employees, tourist guides, library employees
  • Occupational section for Public Transport and Technical Staff (YSST) - Employees in public transport and utilities, hairdressers, cleaners, engineers, architects, firefighters
  • Occupational section for Office and Administration (YSKA) - Employees of municipal and county authorities, management, administrative staff, economists, auditors

See all professions (in Norwegian only)

Fagforbundet takes a stand

Fagforbundet’s founding principles are freedom, equality and solidarity. We are an assertive employees’ organisation aiming to further develop and secure the future of the welfare state in order to provide each individual with freedom and security. Freedom is not merely defined by an absence of coercion or force, but is closely linked to an individual’s opportunities and rights. Equality as a principle independent of ethnic or cultural background, age, gender, level of function, sexual orientation, religion or life values, and international understanding, solidarity and multicultural integration are consistently applied to all our work. Acting against racism and discrimination is a priority task. Through consideration, solidarity and unity, Fagforbundet’s purpose is to empower our member in their efforts to improve their pay and working conditions, securing the workplaces and ensuring disabled and retired pensioners a life of dignity.

Fagforbundet’s main policy priorities are:

  • Ensuring fair pay and working conditions for all members
  • Learning for life and professional development
  • Full employment
  • Democratic, participatory, transparent government at three levels (municipal, county and state) to ensure political control and popular commitment to government
  • A strong, dynamic and flexible public sector providing quality public services to all
  • Universal welfare schemes
  • Strong labour rights
  • A sustainable environment
  • International solidarity
  • Equal rights

Members’ benefits

SpareBank1 banking and insurance company is partly owned by The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO Norway). This gives our members access to the LOfavør benefits programme , including LOfavør collective home insurance scheme, rated as the best value home insurance on the Norwegian market.


Fagforbundet has its own scholarship for members. (In Norwegian only.) 

Fagforbundet’s magazines, websites and social media

All Fagforbundet’s information is available online. Members are encouraged to log in to Fagforbundet Members’ Portal to update their membership information, check their own collective agreement, receive news and training offers and stay in touch with their local branch as well as their division.

Follow Fagforbundet on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

All members receive the monthly members’ magazine Fagbladet. Fagbladet is distributed in four versions, one for each division.

Oss tillitsvalgte is a journal for elected officers, distributed to Fagforbundet’s representatives at all levels. Oss tillitsvalgte has 10 annual issues. In addition, several professions distribute their own printed or electronic newsletters. These journals are mostly made by active members with support from the union.

Organisational structure

The ten members of the Executive Committee are in charge of the daily operation of the union. The Executive Board meets once a month, and consists of the members of the Executive Committee and 10 elected representatives from the National Board. A National Congress is held every four years. Between Congresses, the National Board is Fagforbundet’s top governing body, consisting of 75 members, and convenes four times a year.


Fagforbundet is affiliated to and cooperates with several national organisations:

In addition, Fagforbundet has established, built and continues to support the development of an SOS Children’s Village in Huambo, Angola.

International affiliations


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